Homeopathy Treatment for Spondylosis

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Homeopathy Treatment for Spondylosis

Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the spine mostly involving the cervical and lumbar region. This condition occurs when the cushion forming agents like disc and cartilages undergo degenerative changes resulting in abnormal formation or growth of bones called osteophytes or bone spurs. Spondylosis is common among elderly and middle-aged person and it can worsen as the age advances. The symptoms of spondylosis include pain, stiffness in neck or back, numbness, tingling, pain in head, pain radiating from neck to shoulder or arms, restricted movements, involuntary bladder or bowel movement, giddiness, in coordinated movements etc.

Along with Homeopathic treatment regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and BMI the symptoms can be alleviated promptly. The pain and stiffness of spondylosis can be troublesome, so Homoeopathy not only treats the symptoms of this condition but also helps in strengthening the muscles and relieving the spasm and stiffness.


For cervical spondylosis, homoeopathy is strongly recommended. It is extremely effective for cervical spondylosis. Homoeopathy increases the body's immunological system, which aids in the treatment of the underlying cause of the disease. Homoeopathic treatments stop the advancement of degenerative alterations in the cervical spine. Furthermore,

Star homeo Expert Homoeopaths prescribe advanced and holistic constitutional homoeopathy treatment for your cervical spondylosis.

what is spondylosis?

Spondylosis, also known as spinal osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that affects the spine. It involves the wear and tear of the spinal discs, which are the cushioning pads between the vertebrae (bones) of the spine. Over time, the discs may lose their elasticity, become thinner, and develop small cracks or tears.

As spondylosis progresses, additional changes can occur. The body may respond by forming bone spurs, also called osteophytes, which are bony projections that can develop along the edges of the vertebrae. These bone spurs can contribute to pain and stiffness in the affected area. The condition most commonly affects the cervical spine (neck), followed by the lumbar spine (lower back).

Symptoms of Spondylosis

Neck or back pain: Spondylosis often causes pain in the affected area of the spine. In the case of cervical spondylosis (affects the neck), the pain is usually felt in the neck and may radiate to the shoulders and arms. Lumbar spondylosis (affects the lower back) can cause pain in the lower back that may radiate to the buttocks and legs.

Stiffness: Spondylosis can lead to stiffness and reduced range of motion in the affected part of the spine. This may make it difficult to perform certain movements or activities.

Headaches: Cervical spondylosis can sometimes cause headaches, particularly at the base of the skull. These headaches may be associated with neck pain.

Numbness and tingling: If spondylosis leads to compression or irritation of spinal nerves, it can cause numbness, tingling, or a pins-and-needles sensation in the affected area. For example, cervical spondylosis can cause these symptoms in the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.

Muscle weakness: In some cases, spondylosis can result in muscle weakness. This can occur if the compressed nerves affect the muscles that are innervated by those nerves. Muscle weakness may lead to difficulties with gripping objects, lifting, or performing fine motor tasks.

Loss of bladder or bowel control (rare): In severe cases of spinal cord compression due to spondylosis, there may be a loss of bladder or bowel control. This is a serious symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

Causes of Spondylosis

  • Genetics
  • Repetitive stress
  • Poor posture
  • Inactivity
  • Previous injuries
  • Age
  • Smoking

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