Homeopathy Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyprplasia

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Homeopathy Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyprplasia

Men's lower urinary tract symptoms are frequently brought on by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is the non-cancerous enlargement or hyperplasia of prostate tissue. Age has been considered to raise the likelihood of developing a disease.

The following terms/definitions describe the BPH:

  • Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO)-which is obstruction of the urinary flow. lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)-these are the common urinary symptoms in reference to men that affect the bladder and prostrate.
  • Benign Prostatic Enlargement (BPE)- which is increased size of the gland, commonly occurs secondary to the benign prostrate hyperplasia.

The benign prostatic hyperplasia is developed by cell proliferation around the urethra which causes pressure on the leading to outflow obstruction which can result in symptoms like urinary retention, lower urinary tract symptoms , or infections caused by the incomplete bladder emptying.

When untreated this can lead to long term changes to the bladder muscle and if severe chronic high pressure retention may be a life threatening emergency. The development of BPH is influenced by the age, metabolic syndromes, obesity, location and genetic predisposition. The diagnostic tests that are commonly performed are blood tests, urine analysis, prostrate specific antigen, ultra sound, flow studies and cystoscopy. It is commonly confused with conditions like prostate cancer, cauda equina , high-pressure chronic retention ,urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, prostatitis, neurogenic bladder renal calculi ,and Urethral stricture.

Treatment options available for Benign prostrate hyperplasia are both medical and surgical.

In star homoeopathy the treatment is non-surgical and symptomatically individualized, the medication is given to cease or stop the cell proliferation that occurs in the urethral region called prostrate transition zone which thus decompresses the urethra and clears the obstruction which cures all the urinary tract symptoms. The process might take few months to years depending on the level of the disease that has progressed. But once the urethral compression is released there is no chance of recurrence.

Symptoms of Benign prostatic hyperplasia:

Increased urinary frequency: You may experience the need to urinate more frequently, especially during the night (nocturia). This can disrupt your sleep patterns.

Urgency: You may feel a sudden and strong urge to urinate that is difficult to postpone. This sensation can be uncomfortable or even painful.

Weak urine flow: Your urine flow may be weak or intermittent, making it difficult to start urination or maintain a steady stream.

Difficulty starting and stopping urination: You may have trouble initiating urination or experience a delay before urine starts to flow. Similarly, you may find it challenging to completely empty your bladder, resulting in dribbling or a sensation of incomplete voiding

Straining during urination:BPH can lead to the need to strain or push while urinating, as if your bladder muscles are working harder to expel urine.
Incomplete emptying of the bladder: You may have a feeling that your bladder is not fully empty even after urination.

Urinary retention: In some cases, BPH can cause urinary retention, where you are unable to urinate at all. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs): BPH can increase the risk of developing UTIs due to incomplete emptying of the bladder and urinary stasis.

Hematuria: BPH can cause blood in the urine, which may be visible or detected through microscopic examination.

Bladder stones: Chronic urine retention associated with BPH can lead to the formation of bladder stones, which can cause pain and discomfort.

causes of Benign prostatic hyperplasia

  • Aging
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Genetics
  • Androgens
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Other medical conditions

Homeopathy Treatment For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that is based on the principle of "like cures like" and uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. However, it's important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

BPH is a condition characterized by the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, which can cause urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, weak urine flow, and difficulty emptying the bladder. While homeopathic remedies are often individually prescribed based on a person's unique symptoms and constitution, there are some commonly used remedies for BPH. It's crucial to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized

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