What is Back Pain? Types of Back Pain: What are the Causes and Symptoms?

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical help or miss work. Back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Back pain can range in intensity from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp or shooting pain

back pain homeopathy treatment

There are two types of back pain -

Acute back pain lasts a few days to few weeks . It is usually resolves It usually resolves on its own within a few days with self-care and there is no long-term loss of function.

Chronic back pain is pain that continues for 12 weeks or longer, even after an initial injury or underlying cause of back pain has been treated.


Common reasons for back pain includ

  • Muscle strain 
  • Disc damage 
  • Some health conditions like- scoliosis and osteoporosis

FREQUENT CAUSES FOR BACK PAIN ARE Strained muscles or ligaments,muscle spasms muscle tension,damaged discs,injuries, fractures or falls


The main symptom of back pain is an ache anywhere in the back and sometimes all the way down to the buttocks and legs.

Some back issues can cause pain in other parts of the body, depending on the nerves affected.


The following factors are linked of developing low back pain:

1.Occupational activities -Jobs and activities that require heavy lifting or bending can increase
the risk of a back injury.


3.A sedentary lifestyle

4.Lack of exercise – weak, unused muscles in the back and abdomen might lead to back pain. 

5.Obesity -carry extra weight are more likely to have back pain. Excess weight puts pressure

on joints and disks. 


7.Strenuous physical exercise or work, especially if done incorrectl

8.Genetic factors,medical conditions, such as


Some medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are

This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. BRYONIA ALBA -Back pain that becomes more severe with stooping and standing. ARNICA MONTANA-sore, bruised pain in the back as after being beaten. This may be attended with  lameness in the back.

KALICARB –The pains are sharp and cutting in nature. The backache is better by motion. The pain is also worse in the morning. Increased sweating is also a good indication for this medicine. Other remedies are -symphytum,Ruta, hypericum e.t.