Natural Healing: Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma Prevention and Control

A prevalent chronic illness of the airways, asthma is caused by a complicated interplay between underlying inflammation, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and obstruction of airflow.


The hyperactivity of the inferior airway tract and reversible blockage are the hallmarks of asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease. It is the cause of changing one’s lifestyle, and because it occurs frequently, it has grown to be a significant expense for health care globally. Depending on the country, children’s asthma prevalence might range from 1.6% to 35%.

Since an increase in vascular volume may lead to airway narrowing, the bronchial circulation may also be crucial in controlling airway diameter. Exercise-induced asthma may occur as a result of increased airway blood flow, which may also be crucial in clearing the airway of inflammatory mediators.

Patient’s interest in complementary and alternative treatments (CAM), of which homeopathy is one of the most popular, has grown due to factors such as the absence of clear outcomes and the existence of side effects, which have been noted for orthodox therapy, as well as the desire for a higher quality of life. Of the 16 therapies surveyed, homeopathy was one of the seven alternative therapies that had grown the greatest.  

Asthma was one of the top 10 diagnoses that homeopaths treated in 2019. Homeopathy is a medical technique that employs carefully prepared, extremely diluted medicines to stimulate the body’s self-healing process comprehensively.

The management of asthma remains a problem for both medical professionals and families. Families are expected to take care of the majority of asthma management by working with their primary care physicians to provide preventive care at home. Homeopathy is used to cure illnesses that are currently present as well as to stop new illnesses from developing.


The focus of STAR HOMEO is on identifying the clinical manifestations of asthma, such as cough, wheeze, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest; additionally, we look for patterns in the symptoms, such as seasonal, perennial, or worse at night; and finally, the onset, frequency, and duration of symptoms. A typical asthma episode’s profile, comprising prodromal symptoms, quick onset, and progression, is asked of the parent or patient. These inquiries are intended to aid in the diagnosis of the ailment and its severity, so enhancing the quality of life when using homeopathy.